Following fencing online - Fencing Ireland

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Watching and Following Fencing Online

Live Results

When available, live results for international competitions are usually linked from the FIE website. Find the correct event in the calendar ( and the link should be there. Relevant links to live video feeds from the competition may also be there.

The FIE upcoming competitions page can also help you stay on top of when competitions are scheduled so that you can plan which ones you wish to watch/follow.

If the competition you are look to follow is not an FIE event, there are a number of other sites that facilitate live results that can be checked for the desired event. Depending on the organising club, live results from Irish competitions can also often be found on these sites.

Fencing Time -

Fencing Worldwide -

Engarde - 

Fencing Fox - 

Ophardt -

YouTube Channels

There are many YouTube channels that cater to those wishing to follow, watch, and learn about fencing. Here we present a selection of channels to help our members access fencing matches - both in the form of live match feeds as well as hours and hours of archived matches - and fencing analysis and compilation videos. The Fencing Ireland channel also has a number of interviews with the some of the biggest figures in the history of Irish fencing.

Fencing Ireland is not responsible for the content on any YouTube channel other than our official channel.

General channels - including many archived international matches

Channels with matches primarily from specific countries

France - Fédération Française d’Escrime



Italy - Federazione Italiana Scherma



Russia - Russian Fencing Federation



Channels with compilations and/or analysis videos:

Have we missed your favourite fencing YouTube channel? If you think there are more channels we should include in this list, send in your suggestions through the form below.

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